In Victoria all homes, units, townhouses and flats built after 1997 must have 240-volt mains-powered smoke alarm systems with a battery backup. Homes built prior to 1997 are required to have a 9-volt battery powered smoke alarm as a minimum requirement. 

A mains powered smoke alarm is made up of 240 volts and is hardwired into your homes wiring. This style of smoke alarm relies on your home’s mains power for operation. But, they have a battery backup for when the mains power is unavailable as is common in house fires.  

It is important that this battery is well maintained and replaced when necessary.

As well as the 240v hard wired smoke alarm, home owners could also choose to install a photoelectric smoke alarm. This style of smoke alarm comes highly recommended by the Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade. 

Photoelectric smoke alarms are preferred by many due to reduced response time when compared to other types of smoke alarms. These smoke alarms are highly effective at alerting you to smouldering fires and allow you and your family as much time as possible to act and evacuate. 

When selecting a suitable smoke alarm for your home you should take into considering your home type and floor plan layout. Millerwatts Prahran recommends only the use of 240v smoke alerts of Photoelectric smoke alarms. If you are unsure what style of smoke alarm best suits your home, contact us today for a smoke alarm consult.

South Yarra Team